
Stepping away from my desk to share research findings is the best part of my job. Here are some recent outreach and impact activities I’ve been involved in.

Introduction to Measurement Error

In this first clip of the new 7X7 methods spotlight series from the Social Research Methods centre at the University of Leeds, I provide a broad introduction to measurement error and the methods available to adjust for it.

Estimating Ethnic Disparities in Sentencing

Methodological Challenges and a Path Forward

In January 2025 I was invited to participate in the Faculty of Social Sciences Inaugural Lecture Series 2024/25 at the University of Leeds. I took this opportunity to highlight the importance of research methods and open research practices. The slides of my talk are available here, and a summary of the event here.

Estimating Ethnic Disparities in Sentencing in England & Wales

Taking Stock and Moving Forward

In November 2024 I led the organisation of a symposium to discuss the latest evidence of ethnic disparities in sentencing, bringing together policy-makers, sentencers, practitioners, and researchers from government, the civil sector and academia (program). This event marked the end of our ESRC project.

The Need for an Empirical Revolution in Criminal Justice Research

Examples from Research on Sentencing Disparities

In September 2024 I was invited to give a keynote talk (slides) at the Empirical Research Methods Conference held at Northumbria University.