Statistical Modelling

Here you can find the materials I use in the UG module Quantitative Social Research II: Advanced Statistical Modelling, which constitutes the second part of our BSc in Criminology - Quantitative Pathway at the University of Leeds.

Recap: Advanced Quantitative Methods I
- Lecture
- Practical
- Data (2018/19 European Social Survey)

Selecting Explanatory Variables
- Lecture
- Practical
- Data I (2011 Crown Court Sentencing Survey)
- Data II (2011 Census)
- Data III (court characteristics)

Path Analysis
- Lecture
- Practical

Non-Linear Associations
- Lecture
- Practical

Time Series
- Lecture
- Practical
- Data I (bikes per day)
- Data II (all offences)
- Data III (indictable offences)
- Data IV (sex offences)

Missing Data
- Lecture
- Practical
- Data I (2013 assault offences)
- Data II (2014 assault offences)
- Data III (Leeds Parks Survey)

Hierarchical Data
- Lecture
- Practical
- Data I (2018/19 European Social Survey)
- Data II (2011 Crown Court Sentencing Survey)

Longitudinal Data
- Lecture
- Practical